宗教文化  US Pax Christy講演

※ 平和について

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The Challenges to Peace: Perspectives from the U.S. Peace Movement

Reverend Gabino Zavala
訳:メルセス会 Sr.弘田

Thank you. I am pleased and honored to be with you. I also am humbled, for I come to Japan in support of your efforts to preserve Article 9 and promote it as a beautiful model for the world, yet I am very aware that the Administration of my country has worked to undo it. My hope is that you receive my presence here as an expression of solidarity with you and an affirmation of your work for peace.

I have been asked to speak on the challenges of peace today, as viewed from the peace movement in the United States. As bishop president of Pax Christi USA, my particular viewpoint is through the lens of the Catholic peace movement. Also, as a Latino bishop, born in Mexico and serving as an auxiliary bishop in Los Angeles, immersed in –as we say in Spanish—“el pueblo,” I hope I can bring a perspective of the people on the margins of our society, those most impacted by violence of all sorts: immigrants, the impoverished, laborers and people of color.

Pax Christi USA has begun an initiative this year which we call “The War Abroad, The War at Home.” It is an effort to draw the connections between how the U.S. “war on terror” is being played out in Iraq and other places around the world where the U.S. military presence is exerted, and how a war is being waged against vulnerable communities inside our country, a war that includes: the violence of poverty, of racism, of intimidation and denial of rights. So I offer this context as well to my reflections.

But I first want to thank and acknowledge the role of the Japan Catholic Council for Justice and Peace, a sister organization with us in Pax Christi International, the global Catholic peace movement. I want to express my profound gratitude to the Japan Catholic Council for Justice and Peace (JCCJP) not only for inviting me to come, but it was JCCJP who opened our eyes to what the U.S. was doing with its military transformation of the Asia Pacific, and it is very frightening .


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EC‘08 オンライン申し込み開始

2008年10月27日 。

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